The Achmadis

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Friday, June 16, 2006

William's first days at the Montessori Preschool

June 2nd, 2006

William has settled in quickly andwell to the Preschool! Mum and Dad (Erika and Danu), mentioned that William is an avid fan of "Thomas the Tank Engine"! William has explored some of the Practical Life Exercise, one of which includes folding. We had a "Thomas" t-shirt to practise folding, and William talked about the different engines on the front of the shirt, including telling me about the "engine". William's interest in trains has been evident throughout his exploration, and has also been observed whilst working with a sensorial exercise called "knobless cylinders". The cylinders are graded from the largest to smallest and are presented by making a tower sonstruction with them. William easily completed this with the green knobless cylinders that he was very keen to expolore with. Once building the tower in the correct form, William started placing the cylinder on their side and had them lined up, calling them "trains". Below, you can see Williams keen interes in trains in action, as he built the train track and put his train carriafes together, moving them back and forth along the track, alongside Isobel. (photo belon di-scan)

William is comfortable in his surroundings, felling free to access the matierals available to him. WIlliam follows his ideas and interst through different experiences in the calssroom and playroom. William is able to communicate his thoughts and ideas verbally and already feels comfortable to hsare his ideas. William shows an understanding of concepts such as large and smal and is able to sequence objects accordingly. William is also able to think abstarctly, using objects in a symbolic fashion that is meaningful to him.

We will continue to introduce William to different Practical Life and Sensorial exercises that William show interes in and extend his interest in trains with books, songs, diagram of parts of a train and other exercises that allow WIlliam to explore this particular current interest.
:: posted by erika, 7:29 PM